Government Gazette Vol. 434 Cape Town 17 August 2001 17 August 2001 It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general information: No. 11 of 2001: South African Boxing Act, 2001
The Minister of Sport and Recreation has under section 34 of the South African Boxing Act, 2001 (Act No. 11 of 2001), and after consultation with Boxing SA, made the Regulations in the Schedule.
The Minister of Sport and Recreation has under section 34 of the South African Boxing Act, 2001 (Act No. 11 of 2001), and after consultation with Boxing SA, made the Regulations in the Schedule.
Interpretation BSA The Arbitration Tribunal - Establishment: Jurisdiction: Powers Procedures before the Arbitration Tribunal Powers pf the Chairperson Exhaustion of Internal Remedies
Interpretation, Disciplinary Committee: Establishment and Jurisdiction, Pro-Forma Prosecutor, Misconduct, Anti-Doping, Institution of disciplinary charges and provision,
The Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act, Act 2/2010 (SASREA) signed into law by President on 2 August 2010
Deals with two separate and distinct legal functions:
- Responsibility for Safety - Minister of Sports and Recreation
- Responsibility for Security - Minister of Police and National Commissioner of Police
- The Minister of Sports and Recreation has issued the Regulations
- The Regulation for Security in terms of the Act by the Minister of Police are in the process of being finalised
Adjusted Alert Level 4 will apply nationally from 28 June 2021
Criteria of recognition of international Boxing 19 July 2022