Boxing South Africa is delighted to present the Annual Report for the 2022-2023 Financial Year. We present these results as a matter of duty, public accountability, and responsibility. Sport, in general, and boxing especially continues to evolve in different forms. Its commercialization has been heightened; digital instruments – driven by the technology revolution – are being adopted for administration, as well as for the training of athletes.
It gives me pleasure to present the annual report of Boxing South Africa (Boxing SA) for the financial year 2020/2021. The year under review is an unprecedented year in the history of humankind. The advent of the COVID-19 global pandemic did not only disrupt the organisation of the affairs of human beings across the world but continues to ravage the lives of the people across the globe and has had a devastating impact on every sector of our society.
While BSA largely succeeded in implementing more than 75% of the National Boxing Indaba Resolutions, there are some resolutions that have had to be carried over into the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. These are mainly related to issues that have third party dependencies (Amendment of the Boxing Regulations, National Broadcast Strategy, Provincial Boxing Commissions, and Boxing Sponsorship).
The year 2019 marked a significant milestone in the democratic dispensation of South Africa. Not only did 2019 mark the 25th Anniversary of South Africa’s democracy but it also marked the end of the electoral term for the 5th Administration of national and provincial government. For Boxing South Africa the implication was therefore that this year also marked the end of the five-year strategic plan which was approved by the Minister and Parliament back in 2014.
In this year when our nation celebrates the centenary of our first democratically elected President, Tata Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, we draw inspiration from these wise words below, which we believe are most befitting to our situation as we present this annual report of the financial year 2017/2018. These words implore us to remain focused, motivated and humble. They urge us to push even harder despite the momentous milestones we managed to achieve this far in our quest to reposition and rebrand our sport of boxing.